Blizzard offered an elegant and well received solution with the creation of an entirely new item, the Chronoboon Displacer. World buffs were certainly a topic of discussion during Classic's initial release, whether they should be removed or how the community wanted them changed. One of the most significant changes announced is the removal of world buffs in raid instances. The Classic community is left with many questions, of which we've listed here. In the news post, Blizzard detailed many upcoming changes, such as no world buffs in raids and faster phase cadence. I will check out the addons you mentioned.Blizzard has announced World of Warcraft Classic "Season of Mastery", which goes into Open Beta starting on October 5th, 2021. That way I could monitor it much easier without have to take my eyes off the action. I was thinking I could move those to where my loot roll is and move that else where. Especially in PVP when the action is intense im more focussed on the action in the centre of my screen. I find it hard to monitor procs, buffs (probably not the right word thinking slicendice, savage roar etc) they tend to be out of my eyeline. Why Do WoW PVP Pros Jump A Lot? Arena Movement Tips & Guide - Cdew's Dew's and Dew-nots! - Duration: 11:48. 22:46Posted by But why do you want to move them?

This is a screenshot from just after I've started combat so there are a lot of procs, when I'm in a fight they're usually not all displayed at once, so then it's a bit less cluttered. And because I use TidyPlates, they are also displayed above his nameplate. All the debuffs I have on my target are displayed above his frame. Move Buff Bar WowĮdit: here is a screenshot from a while back: You can see I have moved my actionbars using Bartender (some non-essential bars are hidden because I'm in combat), and I have all of my procs displayed above my character frame using WeakAura's. I don't use it, but maybe it can do exactly what you want. I do believe there is an addon called 'move anything' or something like that. But I have no way to test that right now. Maybe you can right-click it when you have it, and choose to move it, like you can with your character frame. But why do you want to move them? Do you, for instance, want to be able to monitor trinket, meta gem, legendary cloak, and enchant procs? Because for that I use WeakAura's and it let's me setup everything just the way I want, and I can move all the buffs from it to anywhere on my screen.Īs for the loot window, I don't know if you can move that. Because I use the addon Bartender, and it let's me move 10 actionbars, my bag bar, my micro menu, pet bar, stance bar, vehicle bar, reputation bar, experience bar, but nothing that has anything to do with buffs and debuffs. I'm not sure if the places where buffs and debuffs are displayed are actually classified as 'bars'.